Stolen In The Night

Complete Bastard. I guess this is more for me to journal than for anyone to read it, per se, but I when I'm rambling about Harry Potter it would be nice to hear what other people think!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Men at Work

So i'm sitting after work having office detention, a duty every teacher dreads. My portfolio is due in 13 days. I need to read Catcher in the Rye so I can can stay ahead of the kids. At least I've read it before. Anyway, I often think of what else I could be doing instead of teaching. Unfortunately, I'm not actually qualified to do anything else, so my portfolio better turn out really damn well because I don't feel like doing it again next year. I do often think back to quite a few years ago when a friend and I wanted to become garbage men like Emelio Estevez and Charlie Sheen in Men at Work. Unfortunately that never panned out. I was telling some students in study hall today that if I was a garbage man I'd have to have a truck follow behind the garbage truck so I could take home all the cool stuff I found throughout the day. Well, I don't think that's going to happpen, so I better concentrate on teaching.


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