Half Blood Prince.

*book 6 spoilers*
so at what point does Dumbledore actually learn that Tom Riddle is the ancestor of Salazar Slytherin? Maybe I have to go back and do some reading. I'm curious because in book two we learn that only the ancestor of Salazar Slytherin can control the Chamber of Secrets. When the Chamber of Secrets gets opened while Riddle is at Hogwarts, no one can figure out who's doing it, but by this time he is in his later years at school and I could only imagine Dumbledore would have begun researching his past by then. After all, he seemed quite evil and powerful from the get go when Dumbledore meets him at the orphanage. I would think Dumbledore would have taken more interest in him. I'm in the process of re-reading Book 6, and maybe it mentions when he began looking into his past. I'll have to keep my eyes peeled. Actually, I'll have to keep my ears peeled because I'm listening to the audio book. I downloaded it
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